Inclusion in the Virtual Space or Hybrid Environments

What this course is about?

This Masterclass is about how to design and facilitate inclusive virtual and hybrid experiences. Organisations all around the globe continue to transition their teams, learning and event operations to the virtual space or a hybrid context, but often we do not consider inclusion as an element in our virtual activities. But as Barbara likes to say, this is of utmost importance because “without inclusion, no real impact in the virtual space” and this is her MASTERCLASS concept which she calls #IMPLUSION = IMPACT + INCLUSION. We will focus on simple tips to ensure that the virtual experiences (meetings, workshops, events..) you design and deliver take into account diversity and encourage inclusion: in virtual and/or hybrid environments.


  • What are key elements to be considered before, during and after a virtual training program/meeting or event?
  • What design elements are crucial? What are designer biases and how do you address your own biases?
  • When we are actually in the virtual space, what are the key elements ofinclusive facilitation?

Training methods

  • Live input
  • Group work
  • Hands-on experimenting

About the Instructor

Anna Zelno es Interculturalista, consultora de Diversidad e Innovación. Business Partner de intercultures España y partner de ICQ Global, profesora asociada de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Trabaja con empresas multinacionales, ONGs y la administración pública. Ex presidenta de SIETAR España. Es Licenciada en filología alemana (Polonia ) y también licenciada en Lingüística Aplicada y Estudios Culturales Aplicados (Alemania), Máster en Gestión de Talento (ADEIT Valencia) con más de 15 años de experiencia en formación intercultural en el ámbito social, empresarial y académico. Certificada en Culture Detective®, Global DISC®, Globe Smart®, Intercultural Readiness Check ®, Virtual Performance Assessment®, TTT by YoungSIETAR, TTT on Open Space y varios NVC Trainings. Ha sido organizadora de varios encuentros internacionales de Formadores Interculturales y Congresos de SIETAR en varios países. Es Co-autora de diversophy® Barcelona, editora del libro “Spanien von Innen und Aussen. Eine interkulturelle Perspektive.” y Shortlisted en European Diversity Awards Role Model.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

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