¿Qué es la Academy?
The demand for diversity and inclusion experts is on the rise. Because of that at the Academy for Diversity and Innovation we strongly believe that now, more than ever, it is important to create a safe space where experts from across the world can share their perspectives and learn from each other.
Creating diverse and inclusive learning spaces enable us to develop collective intelligence and social innovation. This is the principle under which the Summer Academy and Trainer the Intercultural Trainer create those spaces, leveraging collaborative methods, fostering virtual closeness, and supporting people in learning from each other across the globe.
Creating diverse and inclusive learning spaces enable us to develop collective intelligence and social innovation. So we invite all people interested in learning and broadening perspectives towards diversity, inclusion, justice and equity to join us in this path, and transform the world. We are stronger together.

We use collaborative methods in the virtual space to foster closeness at a distance and support people in learning from each other across the globe.
We open the portal to our Academy for Diversity and Innovation with a hyper diverse offer of courses and master classes where we can all grow together.